Fromage de brebis
Each ewe gives approximately one to four litres of milk per day. After raising their lamb for approximately 1 month, the ewes are milked by the shepherd twice a day, morning and evening, at set times. Ewes have a short lactation period, around 5 to 6 months. Ewe's milk is considered an exclusive ingredient due to its limited production and unique nutritional properties. Ewes produce a much lower amount of milk than cows and goats, making their milk rarer and more expensive.
The main breeds used for cheese making:
Basco-Béarnaise: Originally from the Pyrenees. It is used in the making of Ossau-Iraty and Tomme de brebis des Pyrenees.
Manech: Originally from the Pyrenees, used in many a Basque cheese.
Lacaune: Originally from Tarn, on the border of Herault and Aveyron. It is used in the making the famous Roquefort.